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2018年12月英语六级真题答案:CET6阅读 更新时间:2018-12-15 18:13:00   文章来源:无忧考网     [字体:




2018年12月英语六级真题答案:CET.doc【文档格式】 Word可编辑 【文档字数】全文 2773字编辑推荐:


下载Word文档 【#四六级考试# 导语】2018年12月英语六级考试已结束,®无忧考网四六级频道在考后特别整理了2018年12月英语六级真题答案:CET6阅读,仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过六级考试!


温馨提示:“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对”  2018年12月英语六级真题答案完整版:阅读题选词填空 AIFJB GKMDE  In what is probably the craziest headline I have ever written, actual advances in livestock protection are happening by scientists painting eyes on the butts of cows。


The experiment is based upon the idea that farmers who are protecting their herd from lions, would shoot and kill lions in the efforts to protect their livestock。


While this makes a lot of sense, it resulting in many lion deaths that otherwise would have been unnecessary。


Researchers in Australia have been devising and testing a method of trickery to make lions think they are being watched by stamping eyes on cow butts。


  This idea is based on the principle that lions and other predators are far less likely to attack when they feel they are being watched。


As conservation areas become smaller, lions are increasingly coming into contact with human populations, which are expanding to the boundaries of these protected areas。

  Efforts like painting eyes on cow butts may seem crazy at first, but they could make actual headway in the fight for conservation。

“If the method works, it could provide farmers in Botswana – and elsewhere – with a low-cost, sustainable tool to protect their livestock, and a way to keep lions safe from being killed。

”  Lions are primarily ambush hunters, so when they feel their prey has spotted them, they usually give up on the hunt。

Researchers are currently testing their idea on a select herd of cattle They have painted half of the cows with eyes and left others as normal。

Through satellite tracking of both the herd and the lions in the area, they will be able to determine if their psychological trickery will work to help keep farmers from shooting lions。

  26 A advances  27 I otherwise  28 F devising  29 J predators  30 B boundaries  31 G elsewhere  32 K primarily。

  33 M spotted  34 D currently  35 E determine  2018年12月英语六级真题答案完整版:阅读题匹配 DJLAE KIBGC  D 36 It has been found that inadequate recovery often leads to poor health and accidents。

  J 37 Mental relaxation is much needed, just as physical relaxation is  L 38 Adequate rest not only helps one recover, but also increases one‘s work efficiency。

  A 39 The author always has a hectic time before taking a flight  E 40 Recovery may not take place even if one seems to have stopped working。

  K 41 It is advised that technology be used to prevent people from overworking  I 42 Contrary to popular belief, rest does not equal recovery。

  B 43 The author has come to see that his problem results from a misunderstanding of the meaning of resilience。

  G 44 People’s distorted view about resilience may have developed from their upbringing  C 45 People’s tend to think the more determined they are,the greater their success will be。

  2018年12月英语六级真题答案完整版:阅读题仔细阅读 BADAC CDBAB  46 What is the focus of the new study from Duke University?。

  B)The predictors of children’s academic success  47 How did the researchers ensure that their findings are valid?。

  A) By attaching equal importance to all possible variables examined  48 What do we learn from the findings of the Duke study?。

  D) Children’s academic performance may suffer from even slight inattention  49 What does the Duke study find about children better accepted by peers?。

  A)They do better academically  50 What can we conclude from the Duke study?  C) Social skills are playing a key role in children’s development。

  51 What does the author say about the negative impact of smartphones?  C) It is not so obvious but has caused some concern。

  52 What is considered a less obvious advantage of smartphone technology?  D) It greatly improves research on human behavior。

  53 What characterizes traditional psychological research?  B) It relies on lab observations and participants’ reports。

  54 How will future psychological studies benefit individuals?  A) By helping them pin down their unusual behaviors。

  55 What do we learn about current psychological studies?  B) They are increasingly focused on real-life situations。



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